
Guide Stages of Dog Pregnancy – Complete Timeline

Except for professionals almost every dog owner has no idea whether their dog is pregnant. Sometimes they got to know a few days before the birth. This is very hectic and concerning for them to manage.

For this problem, you need to know about your beloved pet’s symptoms and stages of dog pregnancy. We are going to provide information about every single thing you need to know about the process. Let’s Start!

stages of dog pregnancy

Importance of Understanding Dog Pregnancy

Awareness of the stages of dog pregnancy will enable a person to comprehend when his or her female dog may require attention, food and water, or even a vet. This knowledge is very crucial and fundamental to safe motherhood and antenatal care.

How Long Are Dogs Pregnant?

Dog Gestation Period

A dog’s pregnancy usually lasts for approximately 63 days but the pregnancy period may range from 58 to 68 days. This section will look at what causes changes in the pregnancy term and give a pregnancy calendar of different stages.

The Reproductive Cycle in Dogs

Estrus (Heat) Cycle

One of the most important things to identify in stages of dog pregnancy is the estrus cycle, which will enable you to track the pregnancy period of your dog.

The heat cycle also called the heat period or season is the time when a female dog is receptive or willing to allow a male dog to mate with her. This is the period of copulation or reproduction, fertilization and pregnancy are initiated during this time.

The Stages of Dog Pregnancy

Early Stage

The first trimester is very important mainly because the development of the embryo takes place during this period. In these first 21 days, it is also necessary to feed the dog properly and avoid any potent exercises that might be dangerous for the embryos.

Middle Stage

During the mid-gestation period of the stages of dog pregnancy, the embryos form fetuses, and the mother may at some time manifest pregnancy symptoms. This is the right time for the dog to be well-fed and have regular checkups for the growing puppies.

Late Stage

The last of the developmental periods is the last before birth. In these weeks, your bitch will be getting ready for labor and you should make them a comfortable whelping box. The coming stage requires keen supervision so that the outcome is good and the delivery is made in one piece.

Dog Pregnancy Calendar Week by Week

Dog Pregnancy Calendar Week by Week

Week 1: Conception

Conception refers to the initial stages of dog pregnancy. Egg fertilization happens and embryos begin their process of development.

Weeks 2-3: Embryo Development

They penetrate the uterus and start to grow very fast on its wall. This stage needs to be favorable if the growth of the puppies is to be appropriate.

Weeks 4-5: Fetal Growth

The fetuses keep on growing and you may begin to see the changes in the external form of your pet, things like weight and abdominal girth.

Weeks 6-7: Preparing for Birth

Your dog will start digging in the house as she tries to make a nest for her puppies. As you may know, it’s high time to prepare a comfortable place for the bitch and her future puppies in the whelping zone.

Weeks 8-9: Final Preparations

Before the labor starts observe your dog to note signs of labor. The last arrangements regarding birth should be prepared during this time.

How Can Vets Tell if a Dog is Pregnant?

The various signs of pregnancy can be examined by veterinarians and palpation, ultrasound, and X-rays are used to diagnose a pregnant animal. The early detection of the problem is effective in the management of the problem throughout the stages of dog pregnancy.

What Should You Do if Your Dog is Pregnant?

Veterinary Care

It is crucial to have your pet checked by a veterinarian during pregnancy, and, of course, immunizations should not be discontinued during pregnancy, either. Your vet can oversee the health status of the mother and the growing puppies to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Nutrition and Supplements

Pregnancy requires a very strict following of dietary plans and a pregnant bitch should be given the correct diet. It is always good to seek the advice of a veterinarian about the diet and supplementation that may be considered for the dog to promote the health of the dam as well as facilitate the growth of the puppies.

Exercise and Rest

The recommendation for light exercise is perfect but it is also important to note that one must rest a lot. Do not exert your pregnant dog, exercise should be limited to make sure that the pregnancy will not be stressful for the dog.

How Long Are Dogs in Labor?

Signs of Labor

It is good to understand some of the symptoms of labor to enable one to be ready for birth. In as much as human behavior cannot be looked at in a similar way as animal behavior, one should observe nesting behavior, restlessness, and changes in body temperature.

Stages of Labor

Labor occurs in three stages: dilation, delivery of the puppies, and also the expulsion of the placenta. Knowledge of these stages enables you to support your dog during delivery. These stages are well explained in the heading above.

Duration of Labor

The duration of that process is not the same. Usually, it takes from 6 to 24 hours. Puppies may take up to an hour to be born.

How To Help a Dog Give Birth

Preparing a Whelping Area

It is important to provide a comfortable and quiet environment in which the queen will give birth. It must be clean and well-heated and the patient should not be disturbed in any way.

Assisting During Birth

Most dog breeds can deliver naturally, but being ready to assist if necessary is necessary. Be aware of when to intervene and when to consult the vet on what to do.

When to Call the Vet

In case of any distress, or if it takes too long for the delivery, should seek assistance from the veterinarian.

How Many Puppies Can a Dog Have?

How Many Puppies Can a Dog Have?

Factors Influencing Litter Size

Litter size is not fixed and tends to depend on the breed, age, as well as the health of the mother animal. Dwarf breeds give few litters while giant breeds may give many.

Average Litter Size by Breed

The normal litter size of these puppies can be one up to twelve for some breeds of the dogs. Being aware of some of the things that are likely to happen enables one to be well-prepared for the birth.

Postpartum Care

Immediate Care After Birth

Female dogs require lots of care after they have given birth to their puppies and this means lots of rest. Make certain that she is comfortable and observe the intensity of her symptoms if you want to get a closer look at things.

Monitoring the Mother and Puppies

Make sure that within the first weeks, both the mother and the puppies are always monitored. As a result, be vigilant about any of the signs of a health problem or a complication.

Common Postpartum Issues

Problems can arise after birth such as infections, breast inflammation, and post-natal depression. These are diseases that should be detected and treated early to prevent the worsening of the situation.


It is important to recognize the different phases through which dogs go through when pregnant and the required care. From pregnancy to delivery, knowing it enables you to assist your dog in every stage of pregnancy.

As much as you know that pregnancy in dogs is quite complicated, you need to know that your love and care will go a long way. Learn, prepare, and be equipped to take the wonderful roller coaster ride of being involved in the process of birth.


What is the timeline of a pregnant dog?

Pregnancy in dogs is different from that of other animals because it comes in two cycles and lasts for four months. Dogs pregnancy or the gestation period is usually between 57-65 days but the average period is 63 days.
In a planned breeding you should observe the date of mating to the nearest day. If there are two matings, record the dates of the matings and greater than expectant birth between sixty-three and sixty-five days later.

What happens in the last 2 weeks of a dog’s pregnancy?

In the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, the puppies appear inside your dog’s belly and one can even notice movements of these puppies. A vet may wish to pay your pet a last visit even if you are telling them the pet is no longer alive. At this visit, vets might take an X-ray to determine how many puppies are on the way and whether they are too large to be born naturally.

How many days after bleeding do dogs get pregnant?

Your dog’s fertile time during the heat cycle is quite limited; it may start as early as nine or ten days after the onset of the heat and only lasts five days. But she can conceive until the end of the cycle.

How soon after mating can you tell if a dog is pregnant?

From four to five weeks of pregnancy, most dogs start to exhibit some slight changes which include: Everyone is unique, and for such dogs signs may appear several hours later than for other dogs. Other symptoms that may be observed may be more apparent at five weeks.

When can you feel puppies kick?

By the seventh week, it became possible for us to introduce our hands to her belly while she lay flat on her back (interestingly, Tollers prefer to occupy a position on their back). It was possible to get the sensation of light throbbing and the babies swimming inside the womb. At this stage, their skeletal systems start to ossify and at eight weeks their skeletons are sufficiently ossified and can be seen with x-rays.

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