
Can Dogs Get Cavities? Find out Shocking Truth & Treatment

The answer to “Can dogs get cavities” is “Yes” and is a matter of concern among dog owners.

It is important to look after dogs and maintain their dental health and overall well-being.

Let’s discuss different aspects of the dental health of dogs.

Importance of Dental Health in Dogs

Like humans dental health is crucial for dogs. Ignoring dental hygiene can cause serious health problems like heart disease, liver issues, and kidney disease. Keep your dog’s teeth clean to prevent these complications.

Understanding Canine Dental Health

Can Dogs Get Cavities

Dogs have a group of 42 teeth with different functions. A dog can tear and grind food with its teeth.

Dogs can suffer from tartar buildup, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. Regular vet visits and dental care are essential to keep your dog’s mouth healthy.

Cavities in Dogs

Can Dogs Get Cavities

Cavities are also known as dental caries. Cavities are holes in the teeth caused by decay. In some dogs, cavities can cause severe pain and health issues.

Like humans, bacteria in the dog’s mouth convert sugars into acids, which corrode the tooth enamel, leading to cavities. This happens because of poor oral hygiene and diet process.

Symptoms of Cavities in Dogs

Can Dogs Get Cavities

Signs of cavities in dogs are visible holes in the teeth, discoloration, and buildup of tartar. It might also cause bad breath and drooling.

Cavities may cause changes in behavior. It may include reluctance to eat, chewing on one side of the mouth, or pawing at their face. These signs indicate dental pain and need a visit to the vet.

Causes of Cavities in Dogs

Poor dental care and no regular brushing can lead to cavities. It is essential to clean your dog’s teeth regularly.

The diet also plays a crucial role in dental health. Sugary and starchy foods increase the risk of cavities. A balanced diet with dental-friendly foods is essential to avoid cavities.

Breeds like Dachshunds and Yorkshire Terriers are more prone to cavities and other dental problems.

Diagnosing Cavities in Dogs

Can Dogs Get Cavities

A complete examination is necessary to look for signs of decay and other dental issues during a dental check-up.

Dental X-rays give a clear view of the tooth’s structure and identify cavities and other hidden dental problems.

Treating Cavities in Dogs

Cleaning teeth removes plaque and tartar, preventing cavities and other dental damage. It’s essential for maintaining your dog’s oral health.

Cavities may require fillings or extractions in severe cases. Your vet will determine the best treatment according to your dog’s condition.

Preventing Cavities in Dogs

The most effective way to prevent cavities is brushing your dog’s teeth regularly. use the recommended toothbrush and toothpaste for the best results.

Dental Chews and Toys For Dogs

Dental chews like beef jerky and chewing toys help reduce plaque and tartar buildup. They help improve dental health and prevent cavities.

Routine Veterinary Check-ups

Regular veterinary visits help in the early diagnosis and treatment of dental issues. Schedule monthly visits for dental exams.

Diet and Dental Health

Several foods can help maintain and improve healthy teeth. Crunchy vegetables and special dental diets are beneficial for dental health.

Avoid sugary or starchy foods that can create cavities. Stick to a balanced diet recommended by your vet.

Home Dental Care Tips

Brushing Techniques

Apply proper brushing techniques to clean your dog’s teeth effectively. Brush gently with the right tools makes a significant difference.

Using Dental Wipes and Rinses

Dental wipes and rinses help maintain oral hygiene if your dog resists traditional brushing.

Professional Dental Care

Professional cleanings are crucial for removing stubborn plaque and tartar that home care might miss.

A vet will conduct a thorough examination during a dental visit. A vet will clean the teeth, and address any issues such as cavities or gum disease.

Myths and Facts About Canine Cavities

One common myth among many misconceptions is that dogs don’t need dental care because they chew on bones.

Whereas, the truth is that dogs do need regular dental care. Cavities can occur and lead to serious health problems if ignored.

Products for Dog Dental Health

Use toothbrushes and toothpaste specifically designed for dogs to maintain oral hygiene.

Dental treats are fun and effective and help reduce plaque and tartar while providing a tasty treat.


Taking good care of your dog’s teeth is very important in preventing cavities and serious diseases. This requires consistent brushing, proper feeding, and getting the dog for regular check-ups from the vet.

Do not wait for your dog’s teeth to rot through, instead take the following steps. This way you will always ensure that your furry companion is always well taken care of and regularly checked by the vet.

FAQs About Can Dogs Get Cavities

How do I know if my dog has a cavity?

Abnormal chewing
Dropping food from the mouth
Chewing on one side

How do you fix a cavity in a dog’s teeth?

Cleaning the teeth is the process of eliminating the build-up of plaque and tartar on the surface of the teeth helps in avoiding cavities and other dental diseases. This is of great importance in the health of the teeth of the dog.

Can dog cavities be filled?

Dental caries need fillings or require extraction in extreme cases. Your vet will then prescribe what is best depending on the condition of your dog.

Why do dogs rarely get cavities?

If a dog’s dental hygiene is not good and you don’t brush your teeth daily you can get cavities. It is recommended that anything that concerns the teeth of your dog should be done regularly.

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